Friday, September 7, 2012

Thank you!

Dear Students & Families,

Thank you for a great second week of school! I enjoyed  seeing parents on our Parent Night this past Tuesday evening and am looking forward to working with you all this year!

Please make sure students are filling in their own reading logs Monday through Thursday to document their reading homework. Students are working on getting into a routine of filling out their reading logs on their own and then having an adult sign or initial on the far right hand side of their reading logs. Starting next week students need to come prepared with their reading logs completed with the signature or initials of an adult. If students come to school without their completed reading log or math homework they will receive a warning marked on their conduct card. Please help your child to remember to fill out their homework, place it back in their take home folder, and return it to school. Thank you for your help!

The "Peek at the Week" has been posted and emailed out to both classes. Mrs. Jeffrey's and I will do our best to make sure this information is uploaded on our blogs and emailed to you each Friday. Please be patient with us if sometimes we are not able to have it posted on Friday's.

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our classroom supplies listed on our wish list outside our classroom.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

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